12 rows
This data as json, CSV (advanced)
Suggested facets: rowid, name, value
Link | rowid ▼ | name | value |
1 | 1 | name | /mnt/tiles/temporary/listed-building-outline/listed-building-outline.mbtiles |
2 | 2 | description | /mnt/tiles/temporary/listed-building-outline/listed-building-outline.mbtiles |
3 | 3 | version | 2 |
4 | 4 | minzoom | 4 |
5 | 5 | maxzoom | 15 |
6 | 6 | center | 1.082153,51.279099,15 |
7 | 7 | bounds | -4.205313,50.332910,1.738517,55.784354 |
8 | 8 | type | overlay |
9 | 9 | format | pbf |
10 | 10 | generator | tippecanoe v1.36.0 |
11 | 11 | generator_options | tippecanoe --no-progress-indicator -z15 -Z4 -r1 --no-feature-limit --no-tile-size-limit '--layer=listed-building-outline' '--output=/mnt/tiles/temporary/listed-building-outline/listed-building-outline.mbtiles' /mnt/tiles/temporary/listed-building-outline/listed-building-outline.geojson |
12 | 12 | json | {"vector_layers": [ { "id": "listed-building-outline", "description": "", "minzoom": 4, "maxzoom": 15, "fields": {"address": "String", "address-text": "String", "dataset": "String", "description": "String", "end-date": "String", "entity": "Number", "entry-date": "String", "listed-building": "String", "name": "String", "notes": "String", "organisation-entity": "String", "prefix": "String", "reference": "String", "start-date": "String"} } ],"tilestats": {"layerCount": 1,"layers": [{"layer": "listed-building-outline","count": 47276,"geometry": "Polygon","attributeCount": 14,"attributes": [{"attribute": "address","count": 1000,"type": "string","values": ["1 & 1A Bath Street, Port Sunlight","1 Bolton Road, Port Sunlight","1 Bridge Street, Port Sunlight","1 Cavendish Road, Birkenhead","1 Central Road, Port Sunlight","1 Charing Cross, Birkenhead","1 Church Drive, Port Sunlight","1 Clover Cottages, 62 Bidston Village Rd, Bidston","1 Corniche Drive, Port Sunlight","1 Cross Street, Port Sunlight","1 Darcy Cottages, Raby Road, Thornton Hough","1 Devonshire Road, Oxton","1 Duke of York Cottages, Greendale Rd, Port Sunlig","1 Hall Farm, Stanley Lane, Eastham","1 Hamilton Square, Birkenhead","1 Hesketh Cottages, Manor Road Thornton Hough","1 Hulme Place","1 Jubilee Crescent, Port Sunlight","1 King Georges Drive Port Sunlight","1 Lilac Cottage, 54 Bidston Village Road, Bidston","1 Littleton Road, 119, 121 and 123 Gerald Road","1 Lower Road, Port Sunlight","1 Massey Street","1 Mortimer Street, Birkenhead","1 Murray Street","1 Neston Road Cottages Neston Road Thornton Hough","1 Park Grove Tranmere","1 Park Road, Port Sunlight","1 Pool Bank, Port Sunlight","1 Primrose Hill, Port Sunlight","1 Riverside, Port Sunlight","1 Rock Park, Rock Ferry","1 St Aidans Terrace, Claughton","1 Star Cottages, Church Road, Thornton Hough","1 The Causeway, Port Sunlight","1 The Cottages, Frankby Road, Greasby","1 The Folds, Thornton Hough","1 The Ginnel, Port Sunlight","1 The Green, Bromborough","1 Thornton House, Thornton Common Rd, Thornton Hou","… |
Advanced export
JSON shape: default, array, newline-delimited
CREATE TABLE metadata (name text, value text); CREATE UNIQUE INDEX name on metadata (name);