listed-building-outline: tiles, metadata
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json | {"vector_layers": [ { "id": "listed-building-outline", "description": "", "minzoom": 4, "maxzoom": 15, "fields": {"address": "String", "address-text": "String", "dataset": "String", "description": "String", "end-date": "String", "entity": "Number", "entry-date": "String", "listed-building": "String", "name": "String", "notes": "String", "organisation-entity": "String", "prefix": "String", "reference": "String", "start-date": "String"} } ],"tilestats": {"layerCount": 1,"layers": [{"layer": "listed-building-outline","count": 47276,"geometry": "Polygon","attributeCount": 14,"attributes": [{"attribute": "address","count": 1000,"type": "string","values": ["1 & 1A Bath Street, Port Sunlight","1 Bolton Road, Port Sunlight","1 Bridge Street, Port Sunlight","1 Cavendish Road, Birkenhead","1 Central Road, Port Sunlight","1 Charing Cross, Birkenhead","1 Church Drive, Port Sunlight","1 Clover Cottages, 62 Bidston Village Rd, Bidston","1 Corniche Drive, Port Sunlight","1 Cross Street, Port Sunlight","1 Darcy Cottages, Raby Road, Thornton Hough","1 Devonshire Road, Oxton","1 Duke of York Cottages, Greendale Rd, Port Sunlig","1 Hall Farm, Stanley Lane, Eastham","1 Hamilton Square, Birkenhead","1 Hesketh Cottages, Manor Road Thornton Hough","1 Hulme Place","1 Jubilee Crescent, Port Sunlight","1 King Georges Drive Port Sunlight","1 Lilac Cottage, 54 Bidston Village Road, Bidston","1 Littleton Road, 119, 121 and 123 Gerald Road","1 Lower Road, Port Sunlight","1 Massey Street","1 Mortimer Street, Birkenhead","1 Murray Street","1 Neston Road Cottages Neston Road Thornton Hough","1 Park Grove Tranmere","1 Park Road, Port Sunlight","1 Pool Bank, Port Sunlight","1 Primrose Hill, Port Sunlight","1 Riverside, Port Sunlight","1 Rock Park, Rock Ferry","1 St Aidans Terrace, Claughton","1 Star Cottages, Church Road, Thornton Hough","1 The Causeway, Port Sunlight","1 The Cottages, Frankby Road, Greasby","1 The Folds, Thornton Hough","1 The Ginnel, Port Sunlight","1 The Green, Bromborough","1 Thornton House, Thornton Common Rd, Thornton Hou","1 Water Street, Port Sunlight","1 Wilshaw Terrace, Church Road, Thornton Hough","1 Windy Bank, Port Sunlight","1 Wood Street, Port Sunlight","1 to 3 Tithebarn Cottages, 52 Bidston Village Road","1-5 John Street & 24 Hamilton Street, Birkenhead","10 - 16 Barton Road","10 Ashville Road, Claughton","10 Boundary Road, Port Sunlight","10 Bridge Street, Port Sunlight","10 Brook Street, Port Sunlight","10 Central Road & 11 Lancaster Close, Port Sunligh","10 Church Drive, Port Sunlight","10 Circular Drive, Port Sunlight","10 Clifton Road, Tranmere","10 Duke of York Cottages, Greendale Road, Port Sun","10 Forest Road, Claughton","10 Greendale Road, Port Sunlight","10 Hamilton Square, Birkenhead","10 Jubilee Crescent, Port Sunlight","10 King Georges Drive Port Sunlight","10 Lodge Lane, Port Sunlight","10 Manor Road, Liscard","10 Park Road South, Birkenhead","10 Park Road, Port Sunlight","10 Pool Bank, Port Sunlight","10 Primrose Hill, Port Sunlight","10 Prospect Vale, Liscard","10 Queen Marys Drive, Port Sunlight","10 Riverside, Port Sunlight","10 Rock Park, Rock Ferry","10 The Causeway, Port Sunlight","10 Windy Bank, Port Sunlight","10 York Street, Bromborough","10 and 12 Blackfriars Street","10, 11, 17 & 18 Dawpool Farm Station Rd Thurstasto","10, 12 and 14 Worsley Road","100 Greendale Road, Port Sunlight","101 Bebington Road, Bebington","101 Moorside Road","103 Bebington Road, Bebington","105 Bebington Road, Bebington","107 Bebington Road, Bebington","109 Bebington Road, Bebington","11 - 19 Worsley Road","11 Alton Road, Oxton","11 Ashville Road, Birkenhead","11 Bath Street, Port Sunlight","11 Bolton Road, Port Sunlight","11 Boundary Road, Port Sunlight","11 Central Road, Port Sunlight","11 Church Drive, Port Sunlight","11 Clifton Road, Tranmere","11 Corniche Drive, Port Sunlight","11 Devonshire Road, Oxton","11 Duke of York Cottages, Greendale Road, Port Sun","11 Greendale Road, Port Sunlight","11 Hamilton Square, Birkenhead","11 Jubilee Crescent, Port Sunlight","11 King Georges Drive Port Sunlight"]},{"attribute": "address-text","count": 634,"type": "string","values": ["1 Finsbury Avenue,London,EC2M 2PP,U B S Warburg","1 To 3, Doctor Johnson's Buildings, Temple","1-4 Holborn Bars (South Side), Staple Inn","24-26 Watling Street","30 Cannon Street,London,EC4M 6XH,Formerly Credit Lyonnais,","5 Copthall Buildings, No 11 Tokenhouse Yard ,","65 And 65A Basinghall Street","7 And 9, Gracechurch Street","A Pair of K6 Telephone Kiosks, Royal Exchange Buildings,","Abchurch Lane Church of St Mary","Abchurch Lane No 15","Albion Buildings No 22","Aldermanbury Footings To Former Church of St Mary The Virgin","Aldermanbury Monument To John Heminge And Henry Condell In Former Churchyard of Church of St Mary Aldermanbury","Aldermanbury No 20","Aldersgate Street Church of St Botolph","Aldersgate Street Gate And Railings To Former Churchyard of Church of St Botolph.","Aldersgate Street Nos 133 And 134 (National Westminster Bank)","Aldgate High Street Church of St Botolph","Aldgate High Street Iron Gateway To Yard of Church of St Botolph","Aldgate High Street No 46","Aldgate High Street No 47 (Hoop And Grapes Public House)","Aldgate High Street Nos 48 And 49","Aldgate Pump At Junction With Leadenhall Street And Fenchurch Street","Amen Court Nos 1 To 3 (consec)","Amen Court Nos 4 To 9 (consec) Nos 8A & 8B","Amen Court Pair of Gatepiers Attached To No 1","Austin Friars K2 Telephone Kiosk","Austin Friars No 12","Austin Friars No 13","Austin Friars No 14","Austin Friars No 23","Austin Friars The Dutch Church","Ave Maria Lane Stationers' Hall (Formerly Listed Under Ludgate Hill)","BELL STREET","Baltic Street Hatfield House, Including Garden Walls To Rear. Golden Lane Estate","Bank of England War Memorial,Garden Court,Bank of England,Threadneedle Street,City of London EC2R 8AH","Barbican","Barnard's Inn Mercers' School Hall [Formerly Listed As Nos 85/87 (Barnard's Inn Hall Mercers' School)] Buildings Adjoining Mercers' School Hall.","Basinghall Street Former Guildhall Library And Museum","Basinghall Street Nos 13 & 14","Bengal Court Nos 3-5. Premises of Messrs Turnbull & Company","Bevis Marks Synagogue (also Known As Synagogue of Spanish And Portuguese Jews, No 4 Henage Lane)","Billiter Street Nos 20 & 21","Birchin Lane Nos 2 To 4 (consec)","Bishopsgate (Deleted 6.9.89) Nos 30 And 32","Bishopsgate Bishopsgate Institute And Library,6 Brushfield Street","Bishopsgate Church of St Botolph","Bishopsgate Churchyard 2 Drinking Fountains. 3 Overthrows And Lanterns.","Bishopsgate Churchyard No 8 (Gallipoli Restaurant)","Bishopsgate Churchyard St Botolph's Church Hall (Formerly Listed As Hall of Fan Makers' Company)","Bishopsgate Guild Church of St Ethelburga The Virgin","Bishopsgate No 15 (Westminster Bank)","Bishopsgate No 38 (Chartered Bank)","Bishopsgate No 46","Bishopsgate No 48","Bishopsgate Nos 162 & 164","Bishopsgate Nos 3 & 5 (Royal Bank of Scotland)","Bishopsgate Nos 34 And 36 (Threadneedle House)","Bishopsgate Nos 52 To 68 (even)","Bishopsgate Nos 7 & 9","Bishopsgate Parish Memorial,The North Churchyard,St Botolph-without-Bishopsgate,Bishopsgate,London,EC2M 3TL","Black Friars Lane Nos 10 To 18 (consec) (Apothecaries' Hall)","Black Friars Lane Nos 15 & 17 (Newsclip House)","Blackfriars Bridge Blackfriars Bridge","Blackfriars Bridge Drinking Fountain On East Side of Road At North End of Bridge","Blackfriars Bridge K2 Telephone Kiosk","Blomfield Street Nos 22 & 23 (Finsbury House)","Bolt Court No 6","Botolph Alley No 7","Bow Churchyard Statue of Captain John Smith","Bow Lane Nos 6 To 8 (consec)","Brabant Court No 4","Bride Lane Nos 16 & 17","Bride Lane St Brides Foundation Institute And Library.","Bridewell Place No 12","Bridewell Place No 2","Britton's Court No 4 (Remains of Former Whitefriars Convent) (Formerly Listed As Mediaeval Vault In Britton's Court, Whitefriars Street)","Brown Shipley & Co Ltd,Founders Court, Lothbury, London, EC2R 7HE","Brushfield Street No 10","Brushfield Street No 14","Bucklersbury No 8","Bury Street No 1 To 4 (consec) And No 32 (Holland House)","Bush Lane No 29 (The Bell Public House)","Cannon Street Bracken House (including 110 And 112 Queen Victoria Street) 1 Friday Street","Cannon Street No 103","Cannon Street No 113","Cannon Street No 121","Cannon Street No 129","Cannon Street No 65 (The Sugar Loaf Public House)","Cannon Street Nos 115 & 117","Cannon Street Nos 123 To 127 (odd), Including 4 Abchurch Yard","Cannon Street `London Stone' With Stone Surround And Iron Grille Set Into Base of No 111.","Carmelite Street No 8 (Carmelite House),(includes 1-5 (consec) Tallis Street","Carmelite Street No 9 (prior To 13.2.91 Was Listed Under Sion College, Victoria Embankment)","Carter Lane No 36 (Youth Hostel)","Carter Lane No 61 (Rising Sun Public House)","Carter Lane No 79","Carter Lane No 81","Castle Court Nos 2 & 3 George And Vulture Restaurant"]},{"attribute": "dataset","count": 1,"type": "string","values": ["listed-building-outline"]},{"attribute": "description","count": 60,"type": "string","values": ["Art Gallery","CARBIS COTTAGE","CHESTNUTS HOUSE PAIR OF FORECOURT PIERS","CHINGFORD UNITED REFORMED CHURCH","CHURCH OF ST JOHN THE BAPTIST, HIGH ROAD E11","CHURCH OF ST PETER AND ST PAUL","CHURCH OF ST PETER AND ST PAUL CHURCHYARD GATE AND GATEPIERS (SOUTH OF CHURCH)","CHURCH OF ST PETER AND ST PAUL CHURCHYARD GATES AND GATEPIERS (NORTH OF CHURCH)","Chapel","Children's Nursery","Chingford War Memorial","Church","Commercial Building","Community Building","Community Meeting Place","Community Services","Detached House","End-Of-Terrace House","FOREST SCHOOL (JUNIOR SCHOOL BOARDING HOUSE) EAST OF MAIN BUILDINGS OF FOREST SCHOOL","FOREST SCHOOL INCLUDING MAIN BLOCK AND EXTENSIONS","FRIDAY HILL HOUSE","GATES, GATEPIERS AND RAILINGS AT WALTHAMSTOW CIVIC CENTRE, FOREST ROAD E17","GATES, GATEPIERS AND RAILINGS TO CHURCH OF ST JOHN THE BAPTIST, HIGH ROAD E11","GATES, GATEPIERS AND RAILINGS TO MAIN BUILDINGS OF FOREST SCHOOL","GATES, GATEPIERS AND RAILINGS TO WALTHAMSTOW HIGH SCHOOL","ICE HOUSE AT ST JOSEPHS ROMAN CATHOLIC SCHOOL, MARSH LANE","K6 TELEPHONE KIOSK ADJACENT TO CARNEGIE LIBRARY, LEA BRIDGE ROAD","K6 TELEPHONE KIOSK OUTSIDE WILLIAM MORRIS GALLERY, FOREST ROAD","KENNELS AT WALTHAMSTOW STADIUM","Leytonstone War Memorial and Gardens","Library","Local Government Facility","METAL RAILING TO CHINGFORD MILL PUMPING STATION","MOYER MONUMENT IN CHURCHYARD 20 YARDS WEST SOUTH WEST OF TOWER, CHURCH ROAD E10","Mixed Use Building","Multiple Residential Accommodation","Museum","ORDNANCE SURVEY OBELISK","PILLAR BOX ON CORNER OF CHURCH LANE AND PATH TO ST MARY'S CHURCH","PIMP HALL DOVECOTE, KINGS ROAD E4","Religious Meeting Place","Residential Building","SQUIRES ALMSHOUSES","ST MARY'S CHURCHYARD RIGGS FAMILY TOMB CLOSE TO FIRST BAY FROM EAST OF SOUTH WALL OF CHANCEL","ST MARY'S CHURCHYARD WISE FAMILY TOMB CLOSE TO SOUTH WALL OF TOWER","ST MARY'S CHURCHYARD, SOLLY FAMILY TOMB, ABOUT 20 YARDS TO SOUTH WEST OF TOWER","School","Sports Pavilion","St Mary's Churchyard, Morley Wilson family table tomb about 20 metres to north west of tower.","TENCH MONUMENT IN GRAVE YARD 40 YARDS SOUTH WEST OF TOWER, CHURCH ROAD E10","TWO K6 TELEPHONE KIOSKS OUTSIDE BAKERS ALMSHOUSES, LEA BRIDGE ROAD","Territorial Army War Memorial","Unknown Building","WALL TO SOUTH EAST SIDE OF GRAVEYARD TO ST MARY'S CHURCH","WALTHAMSTOW CIVIC CENTRE EIGHT PAIRS OF GATEPIERS IN FORECOURT TO SOUTH OF CENTRE","WALTHAMSTOW CIVIC CENTRE PAIR OF FLAGPOLES IN FORECOURT TO SOUTH OF CENTRE","WATER TURBINE HOUSE, CHINGFORD MILL PUMPING STATION","War Memorial, Waltham Forest Town Hall","War memorial in the churchyard of the Church of Emmanuel, Leyton","War memorial, Queens Road Cemetery, Walthamstow"]},{"attribute": "end-date","count": 24,"type": "string","values": ["","1992-01-01","1997-01-01","1999-01-01","2004-06-28","2008-01-01","2011-01-01","2013-03-25","2013-07-31","2015-09-28","2016-04-27","2016-10-27","2016-11-21","2017-06-13","2017-11-03","2017-12-13","2019-03-19","2019-10-24","2020-02-28","2020-03-11","2022-03-08","2023-03-14","2023-03-24","2024-07-18"]},{"attribute": "entity","count": 1000,"type": "number","values": [42101486,42101487,42101488,42101489,42101490,42101491,42101492,42101493,42101494,42101495,42101496,42101497,42101498,42101499,42101500,42101501,42101502,42101503,42101504,42101505,42101506,42101507,42101508,42101509,42101510,42101511,42101512,42101513,42101514,42101515,42101516,42101517,42101724,42101725,42101726,42101857,42101858,42101859,42101860,42101861,42101873,42101874,42101875,42101876,42102848,42102849,42102850,42102851,42102852,42102853,42102854,42102855,42102856,42102857,42102858,42102859,42102860,42102861,42102862,42102863,42102864,42102865,42102866,42102867,42102868,42102869,42102870,42102871,42102872,42102873,42102874,42102875,42102876,42102877,42102878,42102879,42102880,42102881,42102882,42102883,42102884,42102885,42102886,42102887,42102888,42102889,42102890,42102891,42102892,42102893,42102894,42102895,42102896,42102897,42102898,42102899,42102900,42102901,42102902,42102903],"min": 42101486,"max": 42159657},{"attribute": "entry-date","count": 1000,"type": "string","values": ["1949-02-08","1949-02-25","1949-03-14","1949-03-21","1949-04-14","1949-06-01","1949-07-29","1949-10-17","1949-10-18","1949-10-21","1949-11-10","1950-01-04","1950-01-08","1950-01-18","1950-02-25","1950-03-02","1950-04-14","1950-06-12","1950-06-14","1950-07-28","1950-07-29","1950-08-11","1950-12-29","1951-01-13","1951-01-24","1951-01-26","1951-03-13","1951-04-24","1951-05-12","1951-06-06","1951-09-21","1951-09-24","1951-09-25","1951-09-26","1951-10-02","1951-10-18","1951-10-24","1951-11-10","1952-01-04","1952-01-13","1952-01-17","1952-02-05","1952-02-07","1952-02-08","1952-02-20","1952-04-23","1952-05-06","1952-05-20","1952-06-05","1952-06-10","1952-08-01","1952-08-06","1952-08-27","1952-09-17","1952-09-21","1952-10-09","1952-10-13","1952-10-20","1952-10-21","1952-10-22","1952-11-11","1952-11-20","1953-01-10","1953-05-11","1953-06-05","1953-09-17","1953-10-21","1953-10-23","1954-01-21","1954-01-25","1954-05-28","1954-06-14","1954-06-17","1954-06-24","1954-06-28","1954-07-16","1954-09-21","1955-01-14","1955-09-23","1955-12-15","1956-01-16","1957-01-27","1957-03-30","1957-12-13","1958-02-11","1958-04-09","1958-05-28","1958-06-10","1958-06-11","1959-01-08","1959-01-18","1959-10-18","1960-03-29","1960-03-30","1961-02-09","1961-03-03","1961-08-30","1962-01-16","1962-03-19","1962-03-29"]},{"attribute": "listed-building","count": 1000,"type": "string","values": ["0","1000825","1021941","1021942","1021943","1021944","1021945","1021946","1021947","1021948","1021949","1021950","1021951","1021952","1024710","1024711","1024712","1024713","1024714","1024715","1024716","1024717","1024718","1024719","1024720","1024721","1024722","1024723","1024726","1024727","1024728","1024729","1024730","1024731","1024732","1024733","1024734","1024735","1024736","1024737","1024738","1024739","1024740","1024741","1024742","1024743","1024744","1024745","1024746","1024747","1024748","1024749","1024750","1024751","1024752","1024753","1024755","1024756","1024757","1024758","1024759","1024760","1024761","1024762","1024763","1024764","1024765","1024766","1024767","1024768","1024769","1024770","1024771","1024772","1024773","1024774","1024775","1024776","1024777","1024778","1024779","1024780","1024781","1024782","1024783","1024784","1024785","1024786","1024787","1024788","1024789","1024790","1024791","1024792","1024793","1024794","1024795","1024796","1024797","1024798"]},{"attribute": "name","count": 1000,"type": "string","values": ["'LONDON STONE' WITH STONE SURROUND AND IRON GRILLE SET INTO BASE OF NUMBER 111","'The Golf House' Outbuilding","(East side) 'The Hampstead Figure', sculpture to north of Swiss Cottage Library","(East side) 32 Cubitt Street","(East side) All Saints Greek Orthodox Church","(East side) Archway to former Pitt House garden in woodland approx 5m east of road","(East side) Baptist Church","(East side) Barnfield","(East side) Boundary wall and gateway with spur stones east of Verulam Buildings","(East side) Boundary wall, piers and southern gate","(East side) British Medical Association House including Screen and Gates","(East side) Camden Palace Theatre","(East side) Camden Town Hall","(East side) Central St Martin's College of Art and Design","(East side) Christ Church","(East side) Church of All Hallows","(East side) Church of All Souls","(East side) Church of St Anne","(East side) Church of St Barnabas","(East side) Church of St Mary Brookfield","(East side) Church of St Mary and attached walls, piers and gates","(East side) Church of St Mary the Virgin","(East side) Church of St Pancras","(East side) Dominion Theatre","(East side) Drinking Fountain memorial to Joseph Salter","(East side) Drinking Fountain on West End Green, at the junction with Mill Lane and West End Lane","(East side) Fitzroy Lodge","(East side) Forecourt railings to Nos.9 and 10","(East side) Former chapel to St Martin-in-the Fields Almshouses","(East side) Front garden walls and gate piers to Nos.22, 24 and 26","(East side) Garden wall to No.26 Old Grove House","(East side) Gates and railings to University College School","(East side) Gates and wall to La Sainte Union Des Sacres Coeurs","(East side) Gray's Inn Square Nos.12, 13 and 14, Gatehouse and attached railings","(East side) Great Northern Hotel and attached railings","(East side) Heath House","(East side) Institution Cottage","(East side) Iron gates between Nos.20 and 21 leading to rear garden","(East side) K2 Telephone Kiosk outside No.23 Bedford Row","(East side) K2 Telephone Kiosk outside Public Trustee Office (office not included)","(East side) K2 Telephone Kiosk outside Public Trustee Office junction Kingsway/Sardinia St","(East side) K2 Telephone kiosk outside the Haverstock Arms Public House (PH not included)","(East side) K6 Telephone kiosk approximately 3m north of Upper Terrace junction","(East side) K6 Telephone kiosk approximately 6m north of Upper Terrace junction","(East side) Kit Kat House and attached railings","(East side) La Sainte Union Des Sacres Coeurs","(East side) Lamp post on corner of Gordon Square and Gordon Street","(East side) Lamp post outside the Royal College of Physicians","(East side) Mausoleum of Lord Dalziel of Wooler in Highgate (Eastern) Cemetery","(East side) Mecca Social Club Carlton Rooms","(East side) Monument to Leslie Stephen in Highgate (Eastern) Cemetery","(East side) Moreton House","(East side) Mornington Crescent LRT station including features underground","(East side) No.1 Alpine Cottage","(East side) No.1 South Hampstead High School","(East side) No.10","(East side) No.10 Netley Cottage","(East side) No.10 and attached railings","(East side) No.106","(East side) No.108","(East side) No.11 and attached railings","(East side) No.110 Grove Cottage","(East side) No.112","(East side) No.118 and attached railings","(East side) No.120 Friends Meeting House","(East side) No.128","(East side) No.137 Crown and Anchor Public House","(East side) No.14 and attached railings","(East side) No.148","(East side) No.15 Holly Lodge","(East side) No.150 Grove End House","(East side) No.16 and attached railings","(East side) No.17 The Place and attached railings","(East side) No.17 and attached railings","(East side) No.18","(East side) No.2 and attached railings","(East side) No.20","(East side) No.206 Clarence Cottage","(East side) No.21 and attached bollards and chains","(East side) No.22","(East side) No.23","(East side) No.23 and attached railings","(East side) No.235 Bloomsbury Central Baptist Church","(East side) No.24","(East side) No.24 Kenwood Cottage","(East side) No.24 Lyndhurst House Preparatory School","(East side) No.240 and attached railings","(East side) No.242","(East side) No.252 Calthorpe Arms Public House","(East side) No.26","(East side) No.26 Maria Montessori Training Organisation","(East side) No.26 Old Grove House and attached outbuildings and railings","(East side) No.27","(East side) No.274 Black Lion Public House","(East side) No.279 Burton's Headquarters and Shop","(East side) No.29A and attached wall, railings and lamps","(East side) No.33 and attached railings","(East side) No.34 and attached railings","(East side) No.35","(East side) No.37"]},{"attribute": "notes","count": 1000,"type": "string","values": ["(Formerly Listed as ATHENAEUM STREET, Plymouth Nos. 15-19, 22-30 and 31),,Terrace of two and a half (No. 15) pairs of houses. c1829, attributed to John Foulston. Stucco, with stucco detail, on probable rubble; dry slate roof to No.18, otherwise asbestos","(Formerly Listed as: ADELAIDE STREET Nos.42-45 (Consecutive)) Part of planned terrace of houses. Mid C19 to designs by John Foulston. Stucco with stucco detail; dry slate or asbestos slate roofs behind stuccoed parapets, Nos 43 and 44 with moulded entab","(Formerly Listed as: ADELAIDE STREET, Stonehouse Nos.47-54 (Consecutive) The Adelaide Inn) Includes: No.1 The Famous Firkin Public House ADELAIDE PLACE Stonehouse. Planned terrace of small houses, one of which is a public house. Mid C19 to designs by Jo","(Formerly Listed as: ALBEMARLE VILLAS, Devonport No.1) Villa in planned group. c1827 by John Foulston. Stucco with stucco detail including plinth and mid-floor string; dry slate hipped roofs with projecting eaves; tall rendered stacks, over front and re","(Formerly Listed as: ALBEMARLE VILLAS, Devonport No.2) Villa in planned group. 1827 by John Foulston. Stucco with stucco detail and slatehanging to part of right-hand return; bitumen-grouted slate hipped roof with projecting eaves; 4 x 2-stage rendered","(Formerly Listed as: ALBEMARLE VILLAS, Devonport No.4) Villa in planned group. c1827 by John Foulston. Stucco with stucco detail; dry slate hipped roof with projecting eaves; rendered stacks over the side walls. Double-depth plan with entrance hall behi","(Formerly Listed as: ALBEMARLE VILLAS, Devonport No.5) Villa in planned group. c1827 by John Foulston. Stucco with plinth and sill band; bitumen-grouted slate hipped roof with paired brackets to projecting eaves; rendered stack on right. Double-depth pl","(Formerly Listed as: ALBEMARLE VILLAS, Devonport No.6) Villa in planned group. c1827 by John Foulston. Incised stucco with stucco detail; dry slate hipped roof with projecting eaves; panelled stuccoed stacks with moulded cornices, the stack central to e","(Formerly Listed as: ALBEMARLE VILLAS, Devonport No.7) Villa in planned group. c1827 by John Foulston. Stucco with mid-floor string and other stucco detail; bitumen-grouted slate hipped roof with projecting eaves; rendered stacks over the side walls. Do","(Formerly Listed as: ALBEMARLE VILLAS, Devonport No.8) Villa in planned group. c1827 by John Foulston. Stucco with stucco detail; slate hipped roof with projecting eaves; rendered stacks over the side walls. Double-depth plan with entrance hall behind l","(Formerly Listed as: ALBEMARLE VILLAS, Devonport Nos.1-8 (Consecutive)) Road-frontage walls, railings, and gate-piers and the gates to No.8 (qv). c1827. Low rubble walls with Plymouth limestone coping surmounted by cast-iron railings with arrow-head sha","(Formerly Listed as: ARTILLERY TOWERS Stonehouse, Firestone Bay Fisher's Nose Artillery Tower) ,Remains of tower built for coastal defence. c1537-39. Battered Plymouth limestone rubble walls with dressed granite quoins. Rectangular plan projecting to th","(Formerly Listed as: ATHENAEUM STREET, Plymouth Nos.1-4 AND 10-14 (Consecutive)) 2 pairs of houses, part of planned street. c1829, attributed to Foulston. MATERIALS: stucco, with traces of incised blocking out, on probable rubble, with stucco detail; a","(Formerly Listed as: ATHENAEUM STREET, Plymouth Nos.1-4 AND 10-14 (Consecutive)) Half pair (the other half destroyed in the Blitz and rebuilt) and 2 pairs of houses in planned street. c1829, attributed to John Foulston. Stucco, with stucco detail, on p","(Formerly Listed as: ATHENAEUM STREET, Plymouth Nos.15-19, 22-30 AND 31) Includes: No.83 CITADEL ROAD Hoe. Pair of houses in planned street. 1829, attributed to John Foulston, remodelled late C19. Stucco, with stucco detail, on probable rubble; dry sl","(Formerly Listed as: BARBICAN ROAD, Plympton St Maurice Nos.4 AND 5) 2 small houses. C17. Render on probable rubble, slate-hung gable at rear; steep slate roofs; 2 dormer windows: 1 gabled, 1 hipped; lateral stack to front left in 2 stages, rendered sta","(Formerly Listed as: BEAUMONT PARK, Plymouth Beaumont House (Central Chest Clinic)) Country house. C18, remodelled and extended early C19 and late C20. Stucco with stucco detail; dry slate roofs, the roof of the original house steep and with rendered en","(Formerly Listed as: BLOCKHOUSE ROAD, Devonport Mount Pleasant Blockhouse) Gun battery, built to defend Plymouth Dock (now Devonport Docks) and known locally as the Pattypan. Mid C18. Brick walls and granite flags as paving to surfaces. Overall square p","(Formerly Listed as: BLUNT'S LANE, Buckland Fursdon Barn) Large threshing barn, now converted to club and with flats above. Probably C18. Slatestone rubble; dry slate half-hipped roof with 3 small roof lights. Rectangular plan with 2 threshing floors wi","(Formerly Listed as: BLUNT'S LANE, Buckland Fursdon Farmhouse) Farmhouse. C17, extended in the C18 and C19, part of interior remodelled mid C19. Rendered rubble; dry slate and asbestos slate roofs; ashlar stack over outbuilt breast to right-hand end of","(Formerly Listed as: BORINGDON HILL, Plympton Boringdon House) Great house. Medieval origins, the present structure predominantly C17 but containing some C16 detail, and, following a period of neglect, partly rebuilt late C20. MATERIALS: coursed rubble","(Formerly Listed as: BORINGDON HILL, Plympton Muttram Cottage) House. C18. Rubble and probably cob with rendered front; new slate steep main roof, slurried slate to lean-to; rendered stack over large outbuilt breast on the left; brick stack on the right","(Formerly Listed as: BORINGDON HILL, Plympton Outbuildings north-east of Boringdon House) Outbuildings, presumably a threshing barn and granary to great house, now converted to residential accommodation. C17 and later. Local rubble with some stone dress","(Formerly Listed as: BORINGDON HILL, Plympton Pair of gate piers at entrance to south of Boringdon House) Gate-piers to great house. Probably late C17 for the Parkers of Boringdon. Rusticated granite ashlar with plinths, moulded cornices and shaped caps","(Formerly Listed as: BORINGDON TERRACE Plymstock, Turnchapel No.1 (Mansion House)) House. Early C19. Incised stucco with stucco detail; fairly steep dry slate roof behind tall 3-bay parapet with round-headed piers; stuccoed end stacks, and brick stack","(Formerly Listed as: BORINGDON TERRACE Plymstock, Turnchapel Nos.2-12 (Consecutive)) Terrace of small houses. Early C19. Mostly incised stucco, some render; fairly steep dry slate roofs to Nos 2-4, otherwise replaced with asbestos slate, Nos 9-11 with","(Formerly Listed as: BRETON SIDE, Plymouth Arches at St Martin's Gate Secondary School) 2 doorways built into later wall. C17. 2 dressed granite chamfered doorways with 4-centred arches built into a rendered and painted wall. These doorways were the ent","(Formerly Listed as: BRETON SIDE, Plymouth Nos.21 AND 23 (Kings Head Public House)) Public house. C17, remodelled late C19. Rendered studwork or brick front with tall parapet concealing steep asbestos roof plus 2 parallel hipped roofs at right angles to","(Formerly Listed as: BRETON SIDE, Plymouth Nos.50-54 (Even)) House. 1655 but front mostly rebuilt early C20. Render to ground floor and rear wing; slatehanging to 1st floor of front block; very steep dry slate roof to front with polygonal left-hand end","(Formerly Listed as: BUCKWELL STREET, Plymouth Granite archway adjoining north of the Breton Arms Public House) Doorway, resited in C20 rubble wall (not included). C16. Dressed granite moulded doorway with 4-centred arch with carved spandrels.","(Formerly Listed as: BUCKWELL STREET, Plymouth No.12) Merchant's house. Late C17 with C20 restored front. Stone rubble side walls; render on timber frame to front end; dry slate roof hipped and with deep projection at the front; slate roofed hoods on fl","(Formerly Listed as: CAROLINE PLACE, Stonehouse Nos.11-19 (Consecutive)) Planned terrace of houses. Mid C19, altered C20. Stucco with stucco detail, ground floor originally rusticated throughout, Nos 14 and 16 with roughcast render; dry slate roofs wit","(Formerly Listed as: CENTRAL PARK AVENUE, Plymouth Russell Place Nos 5-7 (consec)) Former gatehouse of Devonport Prison. 1849 (Pevsner). Plymouth limestone rubble with limestone dressings of a lighter colour; steep dry slate roofs plus embattled tower w","(Formerly Listed as: CHAPEL STREET, Devonport Church of St Aubyn) (Formerly Listed as: CHAPEL STREET, Devonport Walls immediately to north & south of Church of St Aubyn) Anglican church, formerly a proprietary chapel. 1771, the 1st new church for the e","(Formerly Listed as: CHURCH HILL ROAD Plymstock, Lower Hooe Parish Church of St John's) Parish church. 1855 by William White. Plymouth limestone rubble walls with limestone dressings; very steep dry slate roofs; bellcote with paired openings over the W","(Formerly Listed as: CHURCH HILL, Eggbuckland Bowden) Farmhouse. Probably C17. Render on probable rubble. Dry slate roof, hipped on the right and to rear of cross wing on the left; large rendered rubble stack to front of wing and a large lateral stack t","(Formerly Listed as: CHURCH ROAD, Plympton St Maurice No.12) Town house, probably a merchant's house. Mid-late C18. Polychrome rubble walls with flat brick arches to 1st floor and segmental brick arches to ground floor; slate roof with modillion eaves c","(Formerly Listed as: CHURCH ROAD, Plympton St Maurice No.16 Winson House) Fairly large town house. Mid-late C18. Polychrome rubble walls with segmental brick arches; slate roof with modillion eaves cornice; rendered end stacks. Shallow-depth plan with 2","(Formerly Listed as: CHURCH ROAD, Plymstock Marchant House) House. C18. Slatehanging to front, otherwise render on probable rubble; dry slate half-hipped roof with open gable central to front with 16-pane 2-light casement and modillion eaves cornice lin","(Formerly Listed as: COLESDOWN HILL, Plymstock Outbuilding adjoining north-east of Wixenford) Barn. C18. Local rubble walls; steep asbestos slate roof with half-hipped end on right. Rectangular plan. 2 storeys; long, low range with some openings boarde","(Formerly Listed as: COLESDOWN HILL, Plymstock Wixenford) Farmhouse. C17, extended in the C18. Local rubble, the front rendered; steep slate roofs, the taller main roof with 2 gabled dormers over the eaves flanking a raking dormer; large C17 rubble end","(Formerly Listed as: COT HILL, Plympton Head Gardeners Cottage. Walls at Saltram Gardens) Kitchen garden walls of country house (qv), now part of a residential development. Late C18. Red brick walls laid to Flemish bond; brick copings with sloping sides","(Formerly Listed as: CROWNHILL Chapel immediately north of Manadon House) Dutch barn, now used as chapel. Early C19. Slatestone rubble walls; dry slate half-hipped roof. Rectangular plan with the formerly open-fronted sides carried on round rubble piers","(Formerly Listed as: CROWNHILL Gate Piers approx 300 yds south-east of Manadon House) Gate-piers at entrance to country house. C18. Granite ashlar, square on plan piers, with moulded plinths, banded rustication, moulded cornices and squat moulded caps.","(Formerly Listed as: CROWNHILL Stables immediately north-east of Manadon House) Stables by country house (qv). Late C18. Slatestone rubble walls; dry slate roof. Rectangular plan. Single storey; symmetrical 3:1:3-bay front. Gabled central bay broken for","(Formerly Listed as: DERRY'S CROSS, Plymouth Old Lloyds Bank Building (Offices of City Engineers & Entertainments Dept) Bank, now a public house. 1889 (Pevsner) for Lloyds Bank, conservatory extension 1986. Freestone ashlar with channelled and moulded r","(Formerly Listed as: DEVONPORT HILL, Devonport Devonport Maternity Home (Blood Transfusion Unit)) Part of the former Raglan Barracks, now part of hospital complex. Early C19. Plymouth limestone ashlar; asbestos slate hipped roof behind parapet with moul","(Formerly Listed as: DEVONPORT ROAD, Devonport Belmont House (Youth Hostel)) Large detached villa. 1820 by John Foulston for John Norman. Stucco with stucco detail; roof hidden behind parapet with moulded cornice. Neo-classical style with Greek Revival","(Formerly Listed as: DEVONPORT ROAD, Devonport Gate-piers south west of Belmont House) Gate-piers to large detached villa (qv). c1820, the date of the house designed by John Foulston and built for John Norman. 4 rusticated granite gate-piers with plinth","(Formerly Listed as: DRAKE'S PLACE, NORTH HILL, Plymouth Remains of Conduit built into wall facing road) (Formerly Listed as: DRAKE'S PLACE, NORTH HILL, Plymouth Remains of Conduit built into wall near west Entrance) (Formerly Listed as: DRAKE'S PLACE, N","(Formerly Listed as: DUKE STREET, Devonport Devonport Library) Library incorporating the former Devonport Mechanics Institute. Library 1849-50, institute 1843-44. Stucco walls and slate roofs where visible; moulded stuccoed end stacks to library. Fairly","(Formerly Listed as: DURNFORD STREET, Stonehouse Nos.3-11 AND 17 (Odd)) 2 town houses with later shops. Late C18 or early C19. Stucco with stucco detail; roof hidden behind parapet with moulded cornice; 2 dormers breaking parapet to No.5 (left), dormer","(Formerly Listed as: DURNFORD STREET, Stonehouse Nos.3-11 AND 17 (Odd)) Pair of town houses with later shops. Late C18. Stucco on probable studwork; dry slate mansard roof with 3 segmental-arched roof dormers with late C19 4-pane horned sashes; brick en","(Formerly Listed as: DURNFORD STREET, Stonehouse Nos.97, 99 AND 101) 2 houses at end of planned terrace, now combined as flats. Late C18. Slatehanging on studwork to left and render replacing stucco on studwork to right. Dry slate roof with hipped end o","(Formerly Listed as: EGG BUCKLAND Church of St Edward, King of the West Saxons) Parish church. c1430, chancel and N aisle after 1864, 2-storey NE vestry 1907 by TR Kitsell. Slatestone rubble with granite dressings except for 1906 extension of rock-faced","(Formerly Listed as: FORD PARK ROAD, Plymouth Ford Park Lodge) Lodge at entrance to park and to planned group of villas. c1850s-60s by George Wightwick. Dressed Plymouth limestone with painted dressings; dry slate low-pitched roof with projecting eaves;","(Formerly Listed as: FORD PARK ROAD, Plymouth South west Lodge at Plymouth, Devonport and Stonehouse Cemetery) Lodge at entrance to cemetery. Mid C19. Plymouth limestone rubble with limestone dressings; dry slate roofs with coped gable ends; irregularl","(Formerly Listed as: FORE STREET, Plympton St Maurice Garden Boundary Wall of The Lodge to north-east along Fore Street) Garden boundary wall to road frontage. C18 or early C19. Tall (about 3m) rubble wall with slate coping. Included for group value.","(Formerly Listed as: FORE STREET, Plympton St Maurice No.68 Seal House) Town house. C18, refronted mid C19. Render on probable rubble; asbestos slate roof; 2 raking roof dormers with C20 12-pane 2-light casements; outbuilt breast of former end stack on","(Formerly Listed as: FORE STREET, Plympton St Maurice Nos.69 AND 71 Legassick House (No.69) and Ivy Cottage (No.71)) Pair of cottages and attached shop. Mid C19 plus late C19 shop. Incised stucco; dry slate roof with stuccoed end stack on the right; cas","(Formerly Listed as: FORE STREET, Plympton St Maurice Nos.69 AND 71 Legassick House (No.69) and Ivy Cottage (No.71)) Town house. Late C18. Incised stucco with plinth; steep dry slate roof with dentilled eaves cornice; brick end stacks with some old clay","(Formerly Listed as: FORE STREET, Plympton St Maurice Plympton St Maurice House. Former St Maurice Cottage) House and attached service cottage. C18. Stucco with some stucco detail; steep dry slate hipped roofs behind parapet with plain entablature; irr","(Formerly Listed as: FORE STREET, Plympton St Maurice The Lodge) Detached villa. Early-mid C19. Render replacing stucco; dry slate hipped roof with projecting eaves. Double-depth plan with probably 2 rooms at the front flanking a central entrance hall.","(Formerly Listed as: FORE STREET, Plympton St Maurice Tudor Lodge) Merchant's house. Late C17. Timber-framed and boarded to 1st floor, rendered rubble to ground floor; very steep asbestos slate roof with a deep moulded bracketed eaves cornice; 2 hipped","(Formerly Listed as: FRIARS LANE, Plymouth No.3 (Trinity House)) Town house, now offices. Mid C18. Render on probable rubble; steep dry slate hipped roof with slightly projecting eaves and 3 pedimented roof dormers with 16-pane horned sashes, similar wi","(Formerly Listed as: GEORGE STREET, Devonport No.8 The Old Chapel Public House) Includes: The Old Chapel Public House GEORGE STREET Devonport. Former nonconformist (Unitarian chapel). 1790; converted to public house in 1801. Stone rubble with brick dres","(Formerly Listed as: GRAND PARADE, Plymouth West Hoe Pier) Piers and walls enclosing basin. 1880 datestone. Plymouth limestone rubble brought to course. Irregular plan basin with retaining wall to the landward side, short shaped return walls and 2 jetti","(Formerly Listed as: GREAT WESTERN ROAD, Plymouth Former Dock Police Station and Customs Office at SE entrance to Millbay Docks) Customs tower at entrance to docks. Early-mid C19. Plymouth limestone rubble and dressed limestone; flat roof behind parape","(Formerly Listed as: GREAT WESTERN ROAD, Plymouth West Hoe Terrace Nos 1-9 (consec)) Planned terrace of houses, the rear elevation overlooking Plymouth Sound, several now used as hotels. c1860s. Stucco with stucco detail; roof hidden behind balustered p","(Formerly Listed as: HAM Ham House (Library)) Farmhouse, later a country house, more recently a library now a care home. 1639 for Robert Trelawney, a merchant of Plymouth, altered in 1739 and late C19, when most of the windows were replaced in the style","(Formerly Listed as: HARWELL STREET, Plymouth All Saints Vicarage) Former vicarage. 1887 by JD Sedding. Plymouth limestone brought to course and rendered to upper floor; steep dry slate gabled roofs and tall brick stacks with 2 drip courses: central axi","(Formerly Listed as: HAYE ROAD, Plympton Barn immediately south of Haye Farmhouse) Large threshing barn. C18 incorporating possibly re-used date stone inside ground-floor doorway inscribed 'R.H. 1747'. Local rubble with timber lintels over the openings;","(Formerly Listed as: HAYE ROAD, Plympton Haye Farmhouse) Farmhouse. C17 or possibly earlier. Stone rubble with rendered front, overgrown with creeper; steep grouted slate hipped roofs; 3 large rubble and brick rear lateral stacks plus later slender bric","(Formerly Listed as: HIGH STREET, Stonehouse Royal Naval Hospital: Boundary wall along Clarence Place and Stoke Road) Boundary wall to former Naval Hospital, designed to prevent the desertion of patients usually recruited by press-gangs. 1758-1762. High","(Formerly Listed as: HIGH STREET, Stonehouse Royal Naval Hospital: Chapel) Chapel at former Naval Hospital. 1883, restored after war damage in 1945-6. MATERIALS: Plymouth limestone random rubble (like crazy paving) and limestone dressings; dry slate roo","(Formerly Listed as: HIGH STREET, Stonehouse Royal Naval Hospital: Landing Jetty) Landing jetty used to bring patients ashore from their ships. 1758-65, part of the original scheme for the Royal Naval Hospital. Rusticated granite ashlar walls and with g","(Formerly Listed as: HIGH STREET, Stonehouse Royal Naval Hospital: North Gateway and Store) North gateway into former Naval Hospital, and adjoining store. 1758-65, designed for the Navy Board by Alexander Rovehead. Plymouth limestone rubble with limesto","(Formerly Listed as: HIGH STREET, Stonehouse Royal Naval Hospital: Octagonal Posting Box immediately S of Pay Office) Post box. 1853-59 for the Royal Naval Hospital but probably cast by one of the Post Office contractors. Painted red cast-iron. Octagona","(Formerly Listed as: HIGH STREET, Stonehouse Royal Naval Hospital: Pay Office and Admiral's Office) Agent's office and entrance lodge, later pay office at former Naval Hospital. Dated 1765, designed by Alexander Rovehead for the Navy Board. Plymouth lim","(Formerly Listed as: HIGH STREET, Stonehouse Royal Naval Hospital: Pay Office and Admiral's Office) Steward and butler's office, later Surgeon rear admiral's office. 1765, designed by Alexander Rovehead for the Navy Board. Plymouth limestone rubble with","(Formerly Listed as: HIGH STREET, Stonehouse Royal Naval Hospital: Residences Nos.11, 12 & 13) Officer's house at former Naval Hospital. c1765, designed by Alexander Rovehead for the Navy Board. Plymouth limestone rubble with limestone quoins, architrav","(Formerly Listed as: HIGH STREET, Stonehouse Royal Naval Hospital: Residences Nos.4, 5, 6 & 7 including area railings) Officier's houses at former Naval Hospital, now houses. 1765, designed by Alexander Rovehead for the Navy Board; rendered 1921. Red b","(Formerly Listed as: HIGH STREET, Stonehouse Royal Naval Hospital: Residences Nos.8 & 9. The Medical Mess) Official residences including admiral's house. 1806, probably by Daniel Alexander (1768-1846); restored after bomb damage. Plymouth limestone ashl","(Formerly Listed as: HIGH STREET, Stonehouse Royal Naval Hospital: Sundial in front and west of Trafalgar Block) Sundial at former Naval Hospital. c1765, by John Gilbert of London. Brass sundial on turned freestone pedestal set in former composite mills","(Formerly Listed as: HIGH STREET, Stonehouse Royal Naval Hospital: Trafalgar Central Admin. Block & Connected Wards) Includes: The Quadrangle Centre: Evans, Hornby, Dudding, Pryn and Norbury Court CRAIGIE DRIVE Stonehouse. Includes: The Quadrangle Centr","(Formerly Listed as: HONICKNOWLE Warwick Park House. Garden wall to Warwick Park House) Detached house on site of manor house. c1800. Slatehanging to front, otherwise rendered; dry Delabole slate roof behind moulded stuccoed parapet; 3 dormer windows; 2","(Formerly Listed as: HOOE ROAD, Plymstock, Lower Hooe Barn and adjoining outbuilding, together with wall extending westwards) Threshing barn of former manor house complex. C17 or C18 with attached wall incorporating a C16 doorway. Local rubble walls; st","(Formerly Listed as: HOTHAM PLACE, Devonport Nos.1-12 (consec), No.12A, Nos.14 and 15) Terrace of 15 cottages. Mid-late C19. Squared Plymouth limestone rubble with brick surrounds to the openings, most painted, the others mostly with painted surrounds;","(Formerly Listed as: HYDE PARK ROAD, Plymouth Church of St Gabriel) Anglican church. 1909 foundation stone, by WD Caroe, chancel completed 1924, NE chapel 1954-55. Plymouth limestone brought to course, yellow stone dressings; steep slate roofs laid to d","(Formerly Listed as: HYDE PARK ROAD, Plymouth Plymouth College) College of education. 1880 datestone, extended 1926 (foundation stone). Dressed Plymouth limestone brought to course, limestone dressings; dry slate roof behind moulded embattled parapet. T","(Formerly Listed as: KER STREET, Devonport Guildhall) Guildhall. 1821-22 by John Foulston. Stucco. Rectangular plan plus transepts towards rear; designed to resemble an ancient Greek temple. Single storey; tetrastyle Greek Doric portico with fluted colu","(Formerly Listed as: LAIRA AVENUE, Plymouth Cleve Villa) Villa. Early-mid C19. Stucco; dry slate roof with projecting eaves and rendered end stacks. Double-depth plan. 2 storeys; symmetrical 3-bay front with recessed central entrance bay. Full-width 5-b","(Formerly Listed as: LAMBHAY STREET, Plymouth Remains of Plymouth Castle) Remains of the gatehouse of the 'South Port'. Probably C14 or C15. Rubble wall about 3m high, built on bedrock. Short length of very thick wall with central semicircular on plan t","(Formerly Listed as: LANCASTER GARDENS, Plymouth Whitleigh Barn) Former bank barn. C16 or C17 with some C19 accretions. Slatestone rubble with granite dressings; dry slate roofs, the main part stepped up to the right and with hip on right; cast-iron oge","(Formerly Listed as: LOCKYER STREET, Plymouth Nos.14 AND 15 Prince of Wales Hospital) Orphanage, later hospital; 2 houses at end of planned terrace, the others rebuilt in facsimile following damage during the Blitz. Early-mid C19 with C20 extension in N","(Formerly Listed as: LOCKYER STREET, Plymouth Nos.22-24 (Consecutive)) 3 houses in planned terrace, the others rebuilt following destruction in the Blitz. Early-mid C19. Stucco with stucco detail; dry slate mansard stepped roofs behind part-balustraded","(Formerly Listed as: LOCKYER STREET, Plymouth Windsor Villas Nos 1-6 (consec)) Villa in planned group of villas, now used as an hotel. c1820s-30s. Incised stucco; dry slate hipped mansard roof behind parapet with moulded entablature and balustraded cent","(Formerly Listed as: LOCKYER STREET, Plymouth Windsor Villas Nos 1-6 (consec)) Villa in planned group of villas, now used as an hotel. c1820s-30s. Incised stucco; dry slate mansard roof behind parapet with moulded entablature and balustraded centre brea","(Formerly Listed as: LOCKYER STREET, Plymouth Windsor Villas Nos 1-6 (consec)) Villa in planned group of villas. c1820s-30s. Incised stucco; dry slate hipped mansard roof behind parapet with moulded entablature and balustraded centre break; panelled stu","(Formerly Listed as: LONGBROOK STREET Plympton St Maurice Nos.12 AND 14) Pair of small houses and attached hall. C18. Roughcast render on rubble; steep dry slate roof with hipped end on the left; rendered axial stack; hall (No.10) with steep corrugated"]},{"attribute": "organisation-entity","count": 38,"type": "string","values": ["109","111","129","142","145","152","182","192","203","212","220","228","234","238","253","257","278","279","291","30","301","329","333","339","344","350","358","366","384","404","41","44","48","66","67","74","75","90"]},{"attribute": "prefix","count": 1,"type": "string","values": ["listed-building-outline"]},{"attribute": "reference","count": 1000,"type": "string","values": ["0","0/10113","0/10116","0/10117","0/10120","0/10124","0/10137","0/10141","0/10142","0/10150","0/10153","0/10154","0/10160","0/860","0/861","0/862","00/00001/PRINC","00/00002/PRINC","00/00004/PRINC","00/00006/PRINC","00/00008/PRINC","00/00010/PRINC","01/00001/PRINC","01/00002/PRINC","01/00004/PRINC","0100100100000","0100100240000","0100100260000","0100100280000","0100110022000","0100200040000","0100200080000","0100410022000","0100500020000","0100500040000","0100500090000","0100500150000","0100500170000","0100500190000","0100510042000","0100610022000","0101100160000","0101300220000","0101500020000","0101610022000","0101610032000","0101610092000","02/00001/PRINC","02/00002/PRINC","02/00004/PRINC","02/00006/PRINC","0200410082000","0200410172000","0200410362000","0200410363001","0200410372000","0200410452000","0200410453001","0200410453002","0200410453003","0200410482000","0201010142000","0201710032000","0201710182000","0201710192000","0201710202000","0202610022000","0202610092000","0202610162000","0202610163001","0202610163002","03/00001/PRINC","03/00002/PRINC","03/00003/PRINC","03/00004/PRINC","03/00005/PRINC","03/00006/PRINC","03/00007/PRINC","03/00008/PRINC","03/00009/PRINC","03/00010/PRINC","03/00011/PRINC","03/00012/PRINC","03/00013/PRINC","03/00014/PRINC","03/00015/PRINC","03/00016/PRINC","03/00017/PRINC","0301110013000","0301110013001","0301110032000","04/00001/PRINC","0400810052000","0400810062000","0400810063001","05/00001/PRINC","05/00002/PRINC","05/00003/PRINC","05/00004/PRINC","05/00005/PRINC"]},{"attribute": "start-date","count": 1000,"type": "string","values": ["1060-07-04","1901-01-01","1947-03-04","1947-04-14","1948-04-26","1949-01-21","1949-02-08","1949-02-24","1949-02-25","1949-03-14","1949-03-21","1949-03-24","1949-04-14","1949-06-01","1949-07-18","1949-07-29","1949-10-17","1949-10-18","1949-10-21","1949-11-10","1949-12-01","1949-12-06","1950-01-04","1950-01-08","1950-01-18","1950-01-19","1950-01-29","1950-02-01","1950-02-03","1950-02-25","1950-03-02","1950-04-01","1950-04-14","1950-04-26","1950-05-08","1950-05-19","1950-06-12","1950-06-14","1950-07-19","1950-07-28","1950-07-29","1950-08-11","1950-08-27","1950-09-20","1950-09-29","1950-12-29","1951-01-13","1951-01-24","1951-01-26","1951-03-13","1951-04-24","1951-05-12","1951-06-06","1951-07-26","1951-08-11","1951-09-10","1951-09-21","1951-09-24","1951-09-25","1951-09-26","1951-10-02","1951-10-18","1951-10-21","1951-10-23","1951-10-24","1951-10-25","1951-11-10","1952-01-04","1952-01-13","1952-01-17","1952-01-23","1952-01-25","1952-02-05","1952-02-06","1952-02-07","1952-02-08","1952-02-20","1952-03-04","1952-04-03","1952-04-05","1952-04-23","1952-05-06","1952-05-20","1952-06-04","1952-06-05","1952-06-06","1952-06-10","1952-08-01","1952-08-06","1952-08-27","1952-09-17","1952-09-21","1952-10-03","1952-10-09","1952-10-13","1952-10-20","1952-10-21","1952-10-22","1952-11-11","1952-11-20"]}]}]}} |